Make Sure Your Home Is Safe From Radon
Count on us for your Radon Testing in Vancouver, WA & Portland, OR.
Radon is generated from the decomposition of uranium and is an odorless and inert gas that comes up through the ground under our houses.
Let us test your home for Radon gas so we can sleep easier at night knowing that you are safe.
It's important to get the facts when it comes to radon in your home. Here are three of the most commonly believed myths about radon:
You should only test for radon if you own a specific type of home. In truth, radon doesn't care if you have a craftsman-style home or a bungalow.
You shouldn't test for radon in your area - Washington and Portland are radon hotspots. The state of Washington requires that real estate agents and home inspectors advise buyers about radon and radon testing.
You shouldn't worry because radon isn't dangerous - Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and children have a higher health risk than adults.
Call Accurate Home Inspection today to schedule your radon test. We'll conduct a radon test in your home right away, so you can sleep soundly knowing your family is safe.